Fun Radio Joins the Folder Family

Yesterday (23rd September) we announced that the digital radio station, FUN radio, has been acquired by Folder Media.

We think FUN radio is a great listen and it ticks all the boxes to be a successful future radio station. Firstly it’s on some good platforms. DAB Digital Radio carriage in London can be difficult and expensive to acquire – it’s already there! Secondly it has a specific target audience – children under ten and their families. This is a large niche that’s constantly repopulating itself with new listeners. And thirdly it operates in a unique position as there aren’t any other radio stations doing the same thing.

So why us? Why does it fit in with Folder Media?

At Folder we’re about looking forward. We work hard to be aware of how audiences are changing and we work even harder to develop tools and skills to keep us in touch with them. Already we work with clients like NME Radio and Jazz FM to manage their listener marketing and we’ve developed strong skills in operating alternative radio stations, like the work we do with Traffic Radio.

Overall small radio stations need love. They need someone to care about them, think about them and help them grow. FUN radio’s programme team, run by the guys at GCap’s Creation, do just that and we’re going to continue to work with them to improve the onair output even more. However programming on its own just isn’t enough, the challenge for us now is to grow the station’s awareness and its commercial partnerships to make it into a larger and even more important part of its audience’s life.

Press coveage about FUN radio:

MediaGuardian: Folder Media buys GCap’s Fun Radio
Media Week: Folder Media Buys Fun Radio

Fun website: